

WebPen Boxshot

WebPen Author

Toucan Multimedia

WebPen Features

Now Online documents can be signed with the mouse right on your Website! The future of document signing is here! No more tedious, inconvenient and annoying printing, signing and faxing of documents. The modern way is to allow your clients to sign documents Online easily and instantly. Making things Easy For your clients makes Good Business sense! Signed documents are instantly redisplayed to the signer with the signature in place. A Copy of the signed document is stored on the Server. Signing capability can easily be added to Online documents. Free installation Service is available For this Software. WebPen runs natively in the Browser, so there is no need For Java,Flash, or any other addon.

Allow your Website users to sign documents Online using the mouse as a pen! Now legal documents and agreements can be displayed Online and signed instantly using the mouse as a pen. WebPen eliminates the traditional hassle of downloading, printing, signing, and faxing. Making the signup Process Easy avoids lost Sales! The signed document is instantly redisplayed to the signer with the signature in place and a Copy of the signed document is stored on your Server. WebPen is Simple to install, requiring only PHP 4. It can be used with your existing Online documents by the addition of a few lines of code to the web Page that displays the document. Free version has watermark behind signature, commercial version does not. NEW! in version 1.02: *Recording of IP address *Flag For no Java *Larger signature *Bold line option *Check For name *Check For signature.

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WebPen Operating Systems

Windows 95/98/ME,Windows NT/2000,Mac,Linux,Windows XP,OS X - Macintosh,Windows NT/2000/2003/SBS2003,Windows Vista,Windows 7

WebPen System Requirements

PHP 4 or greater with GD Library

